Understanding The WEB3 And Its Advantages

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  • Sep 2024, 07:26 AM

Understanding The WEB3 And Its Advantages

Web3 is an updated version of web1 and web2 offering better safety, privacy and more human-like connections. This energy has completely changed the digital world. Web2 was one of the most significant changes it brought about. The Internet describes an advance over the one we have now. Because it gives Internet users their privacy and digital power back.



The Evolution Of WEB3

Learning about the roots of Web3 functionality and the reasons behind its ability to transform online contact are all important parts of Web evolution education. The reason for the evolution of Web3 may become more transparent when looking at the web's development history. However, we must first understand what Web1 and Web2 are.


Tim Berners-Lee made the World Wide Web in 1989 to help scientific institutes and universities share information easily. By October 1990, he had made the three center technologies that became the foundation of the web. Here are:

·      Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) for creating web pages.

·      Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) for locating them.

·      Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for accessing them.

These technologies designed the backbone of the early web known as the "Web." In Web1 developers used HTML to build static web pages, which were hosted on web servers. Users could find these pages using URLs and view them through web browsers with HTTP.

Though HTML, URLs and HTTP have been generated and improved over the years. They stay basic to how the modern World Wide Web works. The early Web1 showcased the chance for digital communication and information sharing and laid the foundation for future developments.




Web2 was established in the mid-2000s, when a new generation of internet companies like Facebook, Twitter (now X) and Wikipedia certified users to make their content. However, as MIT research scientist Andrew McAfee put it in a 2009 McKinsey Quarterly interview. There was an amount of these open-source "growing social software platforms" that many users were clueless about. These companies monetize user activity and data by selling them to advertisers while maintaining control over only decisions about functionality and management.

Web2 gives a higher level of collaboration between internet users, content providers and businesses than Web1 does. It provides connectivity among future users and features of user-generated content.

Web application programming interfaces (APIs) are internet-based web services with a Hypertext Transfer Protocol-based API that are more functional and easily known because of Web2.

Also, it’s called the social web where everyone can join in while Web1 was just the web where you could only read things. With new web technologies like JavaScript. Web2 is a better and more popular version of what came before.




The founder of Polkadot and co-founder of Ethereum generated the word "Web3" in 2014. This fully decentralized system is based on blockchain technology. Especially towards the end of 2021, cryptocurrency participants and some big tech companies and investors see its management directions. To create a personal digital ecosystem, it combines the interactive experiences of Web2 with the decentralized change of Web1.

The internet is currently being developed into its third version. Most websites today are typed as part of Web2. On Web2 the data and content are dedicated to servers owned by big tech companies. But on Web3 data will be stored on decentralized servers using blockchain technology similar to how cryptocurrencies work.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are important for making it a reality and blockchain is also important in many other areas. In finance, it supports decentralized finance (DeFi) which lets people make dealings directly with each other with no need for banks. In healthcare blockchain builds information safety, privacy and allows patients to manage their health records. Also the entertainment industry benefits from its decentralized platforms where creators can share their work directly with audiences. Education also got new opportunities with decentralized learning platforms.



Important Of WEB3

The world is moving to a virtualized future where there are no borders and everyone is connected through it.

The whole goals of Web1 were the introduction of personal computers and the Internet. The age of social media and social networking websites was known as Web2.

The next stage of the Internet is known as also Web3, where it takes on a life of its own. The age of decentralized applications and blockchain technology is called Web3. Blockchain-based solutions that can decentralize almost every part of our lives will start achieving traction.

Also, it is quite significant because it serves as the basis for the metaverse, a hypothetical three-dimensional virtual environment where people interact and transact business using robotic symbols. It will therefore have the effect of making businesses more user-friendly and transparent.



How Will WEB3 Work?

In Web1 and web2 HTML defines the layout and facts of web pages. It will remain basic but how it deals with data sources and where those data sources are located is likely to be different.

Almost all Web2 applications depend on centralized databases for data needs and application functionalities. Its applications lead to a decentralized blockchain without a random central authority.

Although in Web2 users can contribute to and even sometimes cooperate on site content. These responsibilities among others will probably be transferred to semantic web and artificial intelligence in future site versions known as Web3.

Thus, it will be more "intelligent" and also more responsive because the information will be presented more logically giving to the building for the Semantic Web that Berners-Lee had designed for the first version of the Internet and better AI understanding ability.



Advantages Of WEB3

Thanks to a new and quickly changing technology called Web3 the way we use the Internet will never be the same again. Although it will take some time to fully develop some benefits can already be seen in the use of Web3 today.

·      Blockchain technology and decentralization make it possible by stopping trolls and making content creation affordable to everyone. In difference, it offers users a direct opportunity to earn tokens through community participation and other activities. These tokens have financial value, thus giving users real ownership over their projects.

·      Using a decentralized identity system, you can manage your personal data and online identity. Your level of access to your information is greatly increased with Web3 making it more exact than ever.

·      Different present systems where information can easily be generated or stolen without the user's knowledge. Blockchain technology provides data protection and it cannot be changed or hacked without the user noticing. Since there may be several doubtful applications, it is advised to use only verified Web3 applications.

·      Their projects are extensible which means anyone can build them. This is different from Web2 where access to APIs was limited. But it works like Lego parts that can be collected and reused. The term used for this is "compossibility." As a result, it allows new projects to be created based on current projects thereby making it easier to think of creative industries with real value.

·      It operates on a DAO or Decentralized Autonomous Organization which does not have any boards or executives linked with it. In DAO there are only some principles that are written in code and that make way for an infinite number of individuals to be part of them.




Web3 is a long way from taking over the internet. Some of the promoters aim to use blockchain technology to shift control of the internet from corporations to users. Nevertheless, technology has advanced to where it is possible to reorganize the internet so that people rather than businesses gain.

Even if web3 shows and agreements are still in their start no doubt developing technologies have the authority to completely transform the economy once more. Since it may turn into the financial technology of the future careful investors would do well to take into account all of its effects.